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Justine is an experienced paediatric occupational therapist who is passionate about supporting children to develop their skills to feel successful and confident in a range of environments. She also has a strong belief in supporting both the child as well as their family through education and modelling of strategies through play. Justine works hard to provide a therapy space where children and their parents feel nurtured, connected, safe and calm so that they have the capacity to take on new skills and strategies provided during therapy groups.  


For the year of 2022, Justine travelled around Australia in a caravan with her family which reinforced for her, first hand, what research tells us about the importance of spending time in nature for a child’s regulation, emotional and physical growth. It provided her and her family with a sense of calmness, joy and creativity which promoted confidence and success in every-day activities.  


Justine has worked as an occupational therapist for over 10 years, specialising in early intervention for children with neurodevelopmental differences through play-based therapy. She has had experience working in government and not-for-profit organisations and has spent four years working in a private practice where she built strong connections with her clients and families.


Justine has a particular interest in working with children with neurodevelopmental differences like autism and is also invested in working closely with their families. She actively seeks out professional development opportunities to keep up with current and emerging evidence. Justine has experience working in the following areas; autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, global developmental delay (GDD), down syndrome, undiagnosed social emotional development difficulties, speech and language delays, gross and fine motor delays and mental health disorders including anxiety. 


Justine maintains a current Australian Health Practitioner Agency (AHPRA) registration and is also a member with the Developmental Occupational Therapist (DOT WA) organisation. 


Justine and her husband have two children and a fur baby. They love spending precious time together outdoors, particularly at the beach and really enjoy spending quality time with their family and friends. 



Kahlia is an experienced paediatric occupational therapist who is passionate about seeing her clients grow, develop and thrive. Kahlia has worked with children for several years and has strong and unique skills in helping children and adolescents with  struggles such as autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, global developmental delay (GDD), undiagnosed social emotional development difficulties, speech and language delays, gross and fine motor delays, mental health disorders including anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria and obsessive-compulsive disorders.


Kahlia brings compassion, strong assessment and therapeutic skills and works closely with parents, teachers and children’s support systems to help them thrive in all environments. Kahlia realises that a child does not exist in isolation but within their environment, which may be made up of people, places, beliefs and systems. She loves doing therapy in her clients natural environment.


Kahlia maintains a current AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Agency) registration, a member with the Developmental Occupational Therapist (DOT WA) organisation and is OTA (Occupational Therapy Australia) Mental Health endorsed.


Kahlia is empathetic, caring, and a big kid at heart, so enjoys channelling her playful and silly side to support engagement with the kids and adolescents she works with. Kahlia loves that working as an occupational therapist challenges her to be flexible and problem solve on a daily basis to provide the best support and care for each individual. It’s clear when you meet Kahlia, that work is play and play is work! When Kahlia is not “at work” you might find her doing something creative, in the outdoors, practicing mindfulness through yoga or going for a walk with family or friends.

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